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Filters applied: THMs, Article, Drinking Water
Report: Online THM Analyzer Integral to City of Benicia’s Stage 2 DBPR Compliance Strategy
To comply with the Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBPR), the Benicia Water Treatment Plant (WTP) has implemented best management practices and increased the frequency of trihalomethane (THM) monitoring. The Benicia WTP installed an online THM analyzer, THM-100™, from AMS to enhance THM management. The integration of the online THM analyzer has been crucial in managing THM levels, preventing regulatory breaches, and delivering safe drinking water to the City of Benicia.
Report: City of Santa Cruz Adopts Online THM Analyzer for DBP Management
To help manage disinfection by-products (DBPs), the City of Santa Cruz Water Department (SCWD) used an online trihalomethane (THM) analyzer to obtain real-time and reliable data on THM and THM Formation Potential (THM-FP) levels within the Graham Hill Water Treatment Plant and distribution network. The THM-100 online THM analyzer aided the SCWD in daily operations and management of feasibility studies to reduce distribution system THM levels.
Report: THM-100™ Yields Excellent Results in WRF Report
In a newly released Water Research Foundation (WRF) report, TTHM concentration results from the THM-100™ analyzer yielded excellent results. Throughout the duration of the demonstration testing, results obtained from the AMS THM-100™ analyzer were within ± 10% of laboratory results. In addition to the TTHM concentrations, the individual THM species concentrations also matched very well between the AMS instrument and the laboratory.
Evaluation of the field TTHM analytical instruments demonstrated that these instruments are easy to install and operate, can generate TTHM results quickly, and most importantly accurate and precise.