When Contamination Comes a Knockin’ — SafeGuard™ H2O to the Rescue
In the fight to keep water safe and affordable, there is only one technology for the job! SafeGuard™ H2O is a fully automated, on-demand, in-situ generator of stannous (reducing agent) and tin dioxide (adsorbent), coupled with online monitoring capability. SafeGuard H2O removes As, Cr(VI), Cu, Fe, Pb, and Mn from drinking water and As, Cr(VI), Hg & Se from wastewater; acts as corrosion inhibitor for lead pipes and cooling systems; adsorbs SO2, H2S from industrial emissions. Tin and electricity are the only consumables. There are no similar technologies to SafeGuard H2O that integrate a low life-time cost contaminant treatment system with real-time performance controls. With SafeGuard H2O, contaminants have met their match!
View ResourceMetalGuard™ Online Trace Metals Analyzer
The MetalGuard™ analyzer provides real-time, multi-stream, reliable, and accurate analysis of trace metal contaminants to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. MetalGuard monitors contaminants such as As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Se, U, V, and Zn with sensitivity down to 1 ppb and measurement times between thirty minutes and less than two hours. The fully automated online analyzer is offered with an annual service contract inclusive of a 10-year warranty.
View ResourceNews: Intelligent Water Treatment Systems
Intelligent water treatment systems incorporate real-time sensing to ensure that their performance is optimized to avoid under- or over-treatment and that any deterioration in system performance is signaled to permit timely remedial intervention.
View ResourceSafeGuard™ Automated Trace Metals Analyzer
SafeGuard™ is an automated trace metals analyzer for monitoring municipal and industrial water and wastewater. The system provides real-time, multi-stream analysis for a range of trace metal contaminants. SafeGuard delivers accurate and reliable results (up to 1 ppb or ± 15%, whichever is higher) with a typical measurement time of fewer than 30 minutes.
View ResourceMetalGuard™ Online Arsenic Analyzer
The MetalGuard™ Arsenic analyzer provides real-time, reliable, and accurate data on arsenic levels in just 30 minutes with sensitivity down to 1 ppb. The fully automated online analyzer is offered with an annual service contract inclusive of a
View ResourceNews: Online Water Quality Instruments Poised for Growth
Real-time data and analytical information from online instruments help utilities comply with water quality regulations. The complete article detailing how online water quality instruments are poised for growth was published in the March/April 2015 issue of World Water.
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